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Part of Routine

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Leaves in alignment alongside a pavement

Waking up everyday and coming to work has become a part of routine. Reading a book while on the way to work has become a part of routine. Observing and ignoring the pitiful state of the less fortunate ones on the streets that lead to the workplace has become a part of routine. Coming in to work and booting up the PC and playing catch up with workstation neighbours has become a part of routine. Going through the mails and ignoring half of them has become a part of routine. Meeting with team members and deciding the work to be done today has become a part of routine. Knowing well thata few Google searches may help enlighten the solution to the problem that has been waiting for few days now and not doing anything and waiting for someone from the team to figure it out has become a part of routine. When appraisals come and the performance is found just satisfactory to cling onto the job has become a part of routine. Cribbing and being unsatisfied with the job has become part of routine. Still doing nothing about it has become a part of routine. Being in the comfort zone has become a part of routine.

This cycle needs to break somewhere. This lethargy needs to break somewhere. This knowledge needs to be applied somewhere. And that needs to be a part of routine if routine is something that needs to break somewhere…

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