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Rules make things efficient not effective

Whenever any process is repeated over time, each transaction and each problem is solved similarly using the same set of assumptions and logic. Over time, they become rules which govern the solution dispensing methodology.  But once in a while, a case or a transaction comes which defy the previous cases that have been handled by […]

Pull someone up so he can push you higher up

Want that promotion you have been eyeing for past few years? Have you ever thought why is it not yours yet? Aren’t you qualified enough? Or is the career of the person occupying that position has hit a plateau, and he is just a hindrance? OK you are qualified and the person at that higher […]

Fear as a stimulus for Motivation

Motivation and Fear drive this world. These two either in tandem or at crossroads can either work with you or against you to let you lead a successful life. Sometimes even though we are highly motivated to perform a particular task, our fear gets the better of us and we falter at the task. While […]