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Tag: Decision making

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Is the World Fair?

It’s a big No. World isn’t fair enough. Whatever one tries to do, world cannot be fair. It’s by inherent design. Newton’s third law that ‘Every action has equal and opposite reaction’ leads us to believe that what we sow we reap. Now this phrase even literally

The One Minute Manager – Book Review

Book Title: The One Minute Manager Author: Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson Approx Read Time: 80 – 90 min Review: I got this book day before yesterday from the library at my internship workplace. As it was another book dealing with management and leadership, I delayed reading it until it was bed time. Expecting it […]

Choices maketh the person

We are all byproducts of our past choices. I say byproduct because here I am referring to the very essential of a character of a person. Our past choices lead to a series of events and consequences that has led us into the situation today we find ourselves in. Those are the changes that are […]