A Matter of Perspective Personal finance. Hmm, too many things have been said about it. Almost everyone has an opinion, yet somehow, none of us seem any wiser. Why? Because everyone has different goals and aims in life, isn’t it? What satisfies one person might not satisfy another. And those who aren’t satisfied? They often […]
Tag: success
What Defines Him?
Feelings are what drives him. Passion is what drives those feelings. Ambition is what generates the passion. Stretch goals is what fuels that ambition… The sense of achieving something overrides his every sense, filling every fibre of his body with an urgency of purpose that is so unsettling; only perfection will soothe the ache, the thirst, the […]
Guy Next Door
He just feels like climbing the nearest mountain, reaching the top, going to the edge and screaming his loudest for as long as he could. He wants to go and cry his heart out in a place as deathly quiet as the graveyard till he is completely dry inside. He wants to drink the strongest […]
Rules make things efficient not effective
Whenever any process is repeated over time, each transaction and each problem is solved similarly using the same set of assumptions and logic. Over time, they become rules which govern the solution dispensing methodology. But once in a while, a case or a transaction comes which defy the previous cases that have been handled by […]
Successful Organisations innovate constantly
I had previously tried to differentiate between inventors and innovators. (Why Innovators earn more than Inventors?). Now I am trying to focus on the directions in which innovation can be looked upon for succeeding. Because today as such innovation features in mission statements of every major forward-looking organisation’ in the world, but then there are not […]
Your Choices Are What Makes You, You!
We are all byproducts of our past choices. I say byproduct because here I am referring to the very essential of a character of a person. Our past choices lead to a series of events and consequences that has led us into the situation today we find ourselves in. Those are the changes that are […]
Pull someone up so he can push you higher up!
Want that promotion you have been eyeing for past few years? Have you ever thought why is it not yours yet? Aren’t you qualified enough? Or is the career of the person occupying that position has hit a plateau, and he is just a hindrance? OK you are qualified and the person at that higher […]
Is Effective Operation Management behind success of Apple?
After reading this article on The Operations Room, which was posted in response to BusinessWeek’ s Apple’s Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers article, I now am able to understand, how did this company bounce back to write one of the most famous turnaround stories in recent times. And how it is still sustaining at the top. Recently it […]
Love isn’t just love
What is love? Most of us, have the notion of love being the physical act. But it’s not so narrow. Love is a way of life. The feeling of genuine care and fondness for the other person. Many people confuse love with lust or attraction. To understand love, you need to be with the person; you […]