We always keep hearing – Slow and steady… Make consistent efforts… Build a momentum… A long journey begins with a small step – its clear. When you want to build something significant, it cant be overnight. But what is that significant thing – a life? Easy to put it in a word, hard to explain. Because context is different for everyone and it matters.
Context. That’s an interesting concept. Have you noticed, you can generally sound very profound by using a statement that has no context. Just choose a random statement that is true within a context and then pull it out of its setting and throw it around. Every drop counts when filling a bucket or when saving a life. Pull it out of that context and shove it in personal finance context, suddenly that every drop can be interpreted as Save every bit. Wow sounds profound, as you apply it in the context. But here too, each person reads it in terms of quantum that they can comprehend. Our brains cant comprehend the minute nor the huge which is relative to everyone. We can only comprehend the scale based on what is our sphere of knowledge and understanding.
Like the statement above, in personal finance context, for some, reaching that 1 crore saving or 1 million saving point is huge, if they believe that their current skillset and needs warrants them to accept that they earn very little relative to their goals. while for some 1Cr/1M may be what they earn a typical year. For them, this is normal, and they may aim to have 100Cr or 100M as their goal and that they perceive as huge. So for them, saving 500rs using a discount coupon on a meal they are spending 5000rs to begin with may mean nothing while for some the 50r coupon on a 500rs meal may mean a lot. The drop can mean different quantum for different people. See that’s the beauty of context. Everyone can be right and wrong at same time.
Ok. I started somewhere and not sure where this is leading to, there is too much stimulus and too many things attracting attention. The reason attention spans are going down are not because we dont have it in us anymore. its the constant thoughts in back of the mind, if i dive too deep into this thing which is right in front of me, i may miss on spending time on the next things right beside it. the stimulus has increased exponentially and thus we are not spending enough time to give to any one specific stimulus. Everyone wants to become an expert when they see it is reaping someone benefits, so they want to do the same.
But next moment, someone else is an expert is something else and that itself is another stimulus, ok hold on, let me try that as well. End result, we know headlines of everything but nothing too deep. And human mind is so smart, we have even started justifying this. If you are not well read or know diverse topics, how can you be an interesting person to converse in a flight or a car journey with a stranger. And when that happens, how many are really saying hi to that stranger next to them. They are busy in their phones, prepping for that imaginary situation when they will be called well read and able to hold a conversation. But they entirely forgot, that situation is already happening, right that second. People are becoming distanced, but they want to network, but hey they want to network visibly and be seen rubbing shoulders with successful people.
Success. hmm what is success? everyone has a different definition for it. again that stems from their own deep seated world view. For a person sitting on couch who thinks they have the next billion dollar idea, but knows nothing about how to execute it, person who is executing what they idea they had is success. For a person who is executing and trying out many variations of his idea to find a product market fit, is looking at a founder who has product market fit figured out is a success story. That person may be struggling to find relevant talent to get that MVP in front of customers, and for him, an startup with MVP may be a success. For that founder who is now looking for funds to expand it into a full fledged solution and business, a startup which has raised millions of dollars seem successful. For a funded startup founder who is struggling to turn a profit, a profitable business is a success. For a profitable business, a business that has scaled globally is success. This is just a perspective for a budding entreprenuer. Apply the same in any other field of life and you will have these almost everywhere. People have been beaten down into thinking what they have is never enough. Call it consumerism or progress or modernisation or freedom of expression. We are bombarded with soo much stimuli, our brains are getting trained to start focusing on stuff only superficially. Sometimes even those things which if we take a break and stop to think through are somethings which we will oppose, but we are not affording that luxury to ourselves. Its Time that is being slowly eaten away from us by us.
Wake up humans. Wake up brothers and sisters. Wake up whoever resonates!